Una nueva era para la tipografía ilustrada


Una nueva era para la tipografía ilustrada

"La tipografía es un arte. La buena tipografía es arte". - Paul Rand

La Times New Roman está out y la era de la tipografía ilustrada está totalmente in. Los remolinos elegantes, las líneas decididas y las formas orgánicas no tienen comparación con el aspecto duro y genérico de una fuente de un banco. Nuestros artistas pueden llevar sus titulares, portadas y artículos al siguiente nivel con un texto estilizado a la perfección para que se ajuste al estado de ánimo que desea reflejar en su audiencia. La tipografía ilustrada es una gran solución para enganchar a su público, destacar entre la multitud y permanecer en la memoria de sus lectores. Nos atenemos plenamente a las sabias palabras del difunto Paul Rand de que la buena tipografía es arte. Con una gran variedad de estilos que ofrecer, nuestros agentes pueden emparejarle con el ilustrador perfecto para cualquier ocasión para convertir su artículo en arte.

Kevin Gold

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Bobby Haiqalsyah

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Anya Felch

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Paper Cutout typography.

Crop close up of Travel by Olivier Balez

Freelance art director, illustrator and motion designer. Currently focusing on editorial illustration, sport-related graphics & 3D animations. This piece titles ‘Really Pretty’.

Bobby Haiqalsyah

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Kraft Brewery, 2017. Art Director. Concept, logotype and illustrations. Concept made illustrations referring to the brand name Kraft. Handmade in ink, processed in Photoshop.

Logotype and illustration for the shoe brand Syster Jane - based in Stockholm Sweden, 2016

Anya Felch

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Anya Felch

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Hairy Type for beauty brand andmetics. Sexismus meaning Sexism.

Alex Rozados

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Lima born, Barcelona based artist Daniela Carvalho, created Good Hair Day, Hair Type for the Book of Everyone @bookofeveryone

Anya Felch

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3D Artist Carlos Vielba creates this piece as part of his simply love series. Carlos was born in Palencia, and now lives in Madrid.

Alex Rozados

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Bloch T-Shirt, a floral typography design playing with negative space.

Bobby Haiqalsyah

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Creativity with Purpose; A mural created for Forepoint agency in the UK.

Bobby Haiqalsyah

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The Keepers of the Craft by Bobby Haiqalsya; His submission for the Typism book which is available to purchase in a limited edition signed and numbered print.

Bobby Haiqalsyah

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Graphic designer Bobby Haiqalsyah has created a range of t-shirt designs for famous American motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson. Haiqalsyah was commissioned by Bravado agency and worked under the art direction of Robert Charissimo. The t-shirts feature a set of different and carefully customised logotypes, most of which evoke a vintage American feel. Some of the typographic forms show a distinct siderographical influence, complete with shading and hatching.