3D- È semplicemente incredibile


3D- È semplicemente incredibile

I nostri artisti specializzati nel 3D non vedono l’ora di potervi dimostrare le loro capacità, sia che cerchiate immagini che vadano subito al dunque o che facciano volare l’immaginazione, lasciando i vostri lettori a bocca aperta e nel dubbio che sia una foto o un’ llustrazione. I nostri illustratori hanno dato prova delle loro doti artistiche attraverso collaborazioni del calibro di Reebok, Vogue, Elle e molti altri. Sono in grado di valutare ogni aspetto della vostra idea e, quasi letteralmente, portarla in vita. I loro lavori in 3D sono un successo assicurato. Stimolanti e brillanti, passano da argomenti naturali fino ad arrivare a quelli medici, con tutto ciò che sta nel mezzo.

Client: Barcelona Sidekick Tours Description: Sidekick season Country: Spain Media: PSD

Client:NWW Jongeren Description: 3D visual of the provinces in the Netherlands Country: Netherlands

Client: Marks & Spencer Description: Illustrated pin ball race track. Country: United Kingdom Brief: Design a pin ball game for winter 2017 production Application: Game

Client: NRC Netherlands Description: Circular office design. Country: Netherlands Brief: Ricoh digital business services mock-up office space Application: Newspaper article

Client: Personal Project Description: E-lectric Country: Spain Brief: 36 days of type Media: CGI

Client: Personal project Description: Vitamin D Country: Spain Media: CGI

Bobby Haiqalsyah

Visualizza Folio

Client: Personal project Description: Cold series Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: Personal Project Description: Nights never end. Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: Cinelli Description: Ride fast, Die strong Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: Personal project Description: CREATIVE people think outside the box. Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: Volkswagen Description: “Design created in commemoration of it’s craziest and colorful design of all time, the Harlequin. In this case, not shaped on the same car but on several of the most Classival and representative icons.” Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: Personal Project Description: Pink sequential interior design. Country: Spain Media: CGI

Client: MNC Group Description: “Before I was fully into the type and letting subject I played with drawing detailed objects in vector, through this exploration I gained more and more knowledge in how to work the medium.” Country: Australia Brief: New Year Greeting Card Media: Vector Realism Application: Greeting card

Client: Private Description: A photorealistic quad bike Country: Australia Media: Vector photorealism Application: Private commission

Client: MNC Group Description: A poster advertisement for MNC Promo and Raffles Design Institute’s “Let’s Think Creative, Think Different” event. Country: Australia Media: Vector Application: Poster

Client: Leggos Description: Santa being used as a symbolic way of treating parents by deceptively hiding their children’s veggies in pasta sauce. Country: Australia Brief: Advertisement for Leggos pasta sauce. Media: PSD Application: Advertisement

Client: Private Description: A photorealistic motorcycle Country: Australia Media: Vector photorealism Application: Private commission