Questa è la questione pungente a cui possono rispondere i nostri artisti astratti. Le loro idee comprendono molto più di ciò che colpisce l’occhio per portare l’osservatore al di là della superficie, ad esplorare nuove profondità. Date vita alle vostre idee attraverso livelli di penetrante complessità che faranno concorrenza a quelli di un vino raffinato.
Quando servono immagini che vadano oltre la superficie, non dovete fare altro che mettervi in contatto con i nostri artisti astratti ad Artistique: hanno la capacità di poter visualizzare ogni sfaccettatura delle vostre idee, riuscendo a rappresentarle su carta (o con Photoshop). Vi verranno date un paio di opzioni tra cui scegliere, per cui sarete certi di ricevere esattamente ciò che avete in mente, affrontando esaustivamente tutti gli elementi della vostra pubblicazione.
Siamo certi che otterrete un’opera d’arte dall’aspetto meraviglioso, oltre che dal significato profondo.
Client: Description: This piece is part of an ongoing series, shown at an all-female group exhibition at Gallery 5 in Richmond, VA. I’m interested in creating imaginary portraits that explore themes of femininity and nature, showing women as vessels and embedded in their surroundings.
Client: University of Richmond Magazine Description: This piece was done for the University of Richmond Magazine, to accompany an article about the ethical decisions colleges face. I wanted to represent the ambiguous nature of moral dilemmas with multifaceted, amorphous shapes, because those kinds of decisions are often complex and hard to quantify.
Client: Richmond Magazine Description: Sweeping political ideals under the rug to create a more hospitable environment.
Description: This illustration was for an article about a sensorial exposition that happened in Sao Paulo. The visitors were led through different rooms that stimulate all the senses and the mind.
Client: John Hopkins Health Review Description: For Johns Hopkins Health Review, about The Origin of Itchiness.
Client: Personal project Description: Minimal and impactful figure drawing
Client: Personal Project Description: Why giants hate summer. Media: Digital
Client: Le Monde Description: Buying a house Country: France Brief: The dangers of mortgage loans Application: Press Diary
Client: Le Monde Description: Obama before leaving the White House Country: France Application: Press Diary
Client: Personal Description: A further exploration of surrealism. I’m growing quite fond of the abstract, expect more from me.
Client: NGO Action Description: This illustration is part of the book 100 examples of resilience, for an initiative of the spanish NGO Action against hunger. I'm proud of being selected between more than 800 pieces to be one of the 100 that integrates this book.